Rated Working Load

Bucket Capacity

Gross Power

Gross Weight

Engine / Battery

Gross Power

Lifting Capacity
12 tons

Extended Boom Length
27 m

Gross Power
132 kW/@2500 rpm

Working Capability

Mixer Capacity

Operating Height

Operating Weight


Bucket Capacity

Operating Weight

Exciting Force


Operating Weight

Lifting Weight

Lifting Capacity

Rated Working Load

Lifting Height

Engine/ Battery

Recommended Wheelbase

Cargo Size


Bucket Capacity

Rated Working Load

Gross Power

Working Capability

Operation Weight

Gross Power

Operation Weight


Gross Power
Special Feature

100% safety equipment such as three-color warning lights, rear-view cameras, and lookout cameras provide you with confidence while working.

The new driver's room is designed to increase space, reduce noise and dust, making it more comfortable for you to work for long periods. It also comes with a wider view, air conditioning system, and redesigned buttons to meet the driver's work requirements.

The ability to lift to full capacity with high accuracy display screen.
@xcmg_thailand Review เครนน้องใหม่รุ่น XCT12_Y จาก XCMG #xcmg #ocr #เครน #crane #เครื่องจักรหนัก
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